
The Institute of consciousness studies and transpersonal psychology is a learning, counselling and coaching institute that was founded by Raul Valverde PhD (https://www.anpq.qc.ca/en/find-member/details/ND-1540).

The institute offers the naturotherapist in applied metaphysics diploma that is accredited for the designation of Naturotherapist by L’Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec ( https://www.anqnaturo.ca). It is also recognized for the Metaphysical Minister designation by the Canadian Metaphysical International Ministry (https://canadianmetaphysicalministry.com) and for the Metaphysical practitioner designation by the International Metaphysical Association (http://metaphysicalassociation.org). Graduates are also eligible to apply as naturotherapists with the Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada.

The institute has already been recognized as an education institution by Revenu Quebec. The educational institution file number for this purpose is 20-12-4152. Students would be eligible to claim tuitions fees for income tax purposes.

The institute offers Transpersonal Psychology Therapy. Transpersonal therapy addresses mental, physical, social, emotional, creative, and intellectual needs, with an emphasis on the role of a healthy spirit in healing.

Transpersonal therapy integrates spiritual traditions and rituals into modern psychology. It emphasizes positive influences and role models rather than concentrating on negative experiences. The holistic treatment is based on the idea that humans are more than just their mind and body, but are also composed of an immortal soul.

Executive coaching is a professional development process that aims to enhance the leadership and management skills of executives within an organization. It involves a one-on-one relationship between an executive coach and a leader, focusing on personal, professional growth and career development.

Counsellors and Coaches

Alejandro Gonzalez

BS, Administration, University of Mexico

Ordained Minister, Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry

Baha Dargham (Merlin)

Master of Teaching Mathematics, Concordia University

Naturotherapist, Association des Naturotherapeutes du Quebec

Registered Healer, International Natural Healers Association

Registered Teacher, Canadian Reiki Association

Raul Valverde

Post PhD, Psychology, University of Flores (Argentina)

PhD, University of Southern Queensland

MSc, University of the West of England

MEng, Concordia University

Certified Professional Counsellor, Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists of Canada

Naturopath, L’Association des Naturopathes Professionnels du Québec

Certified in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, European Transpersonal Association

Counselling Therapist, Association of Counselling Therapists of Alberta

Candidate member, Ordre des Conseillers et Conseillères d’Orientation du Québec (227824516)

Member, Canadian Psychological Association

Spiritual Science Minister, Spiritual Science Fellowship of Canada


Popular Courses

Certificate Code

About us

The Institute of consciousness studies and transpersonal psychology is a research and learning institute registered in Canada (NEQ 2275185298) that offers programs in Applied Metaphysics and Holistic Psychology.

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